August 9, 2007

Garden Close-ups

Here's some pictures I took last night of the ripening garden. Below is a nice close-up of the golden cherry tomato plant. Notice the hairs on the stem. The actual size of this tomato is about half of what you are looking at now. I had super-macro going on the camera.
Next we have one of seven basil plans (genovese, thai and curly) growing in the garden. There will be a lot of pesto to be made made this fall. Let me know of any freezing ideas for basil leaves by leaving a comment.
And finally, a wonderful shot of a cantalope that is about two weeks away from eating. Not the greatest producers these vines, lots of flowers, good vine growth but only three maturing melons. Not sure if this is normal or not.


  1. Nice melons, wedekind ho ho ho... great site, really nice to read news from Family Wedekind. Take care and enjoy the fried tomato boiled tomato tomato fricassee tomato soup poached tomato etc

  2. oh btw i'm anonymous - teresa!

  3. You are just hilarious. I'm up to my ears in split tomatoes. Damn humity and heat.


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