August 14, 2011

Teiko meets some new friends

Teiko has had an exciting and socializing Sunday.  First, we went over to reintroduce him to Trixie, the foster dog, staying with my parents.  After some initial excitement, the pups settled down and we went for a nice long walk together.  Trix likes to walk right next to Teiko - shoulder to shoulder.  When he turns, so does she.  It's kind of neat to watch the Shepherds dance/walk down the sidewalk.

Next, we headed to the Mounds Petfood Warehouse to find Teiko a new bed.  His are pretty beaten up and as Todd said, this boy deserves a new bed because he's such a good dog.  After testing out four different kinds of beds, Teiko had his favorite - not too fluffy and not too hard.

On the way home, we stopped at one of the farms not far from our house to get some sweet corn.  The Farm had goats, sheep and horses.  Teiko decided he had to meet the resident goats.  After an initial "What the heck is that" bark, Teiko sashayed up to the fence to meet a very friendly goat.  A few sniffs and licks and the boy had had his fill of goats for the day.

One key to a great dog is socializing and introducing him to new experiences, places, people and other animals whenever you get an opportunity.  It makes their brains engage and get a work out along with their bodies.

Another training tip - A tired dog is a good dog, especially when he has a new bed to sleep upon.

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